Crazy viral email...

NewsBin Announcements

Moderators: Quade, dexter

Crazy viral email...

Postby dexter » Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:21 am

We've been the target of a false viral email campaign. You may receive email seemingly from warning you that your account is expiring. First of all we don't have accounts! Your registration key is good for life and we don't expire your forum username. Here is a copy of the email I just received:

Code: Select all
We are sorry that we cannot offer our "old" service
Your account will expire at the 2003-11-23.
But after all, we still offer a free-mail service,
which you have to <a href"">join</a> right now !!!
Our new prices and services are described in the attached html file,
which is a compressed ZIP archive.

Sicerely Yours
  The Team

If you receive this email, please delete it.
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