Newsbin Internet Search Update

Following is a copy of an email we sent to all current Internet Search subscribers. I am re-posting it here since there has been discussion in the forums about this and not everyone will have a context as to what we are talking about. The email was sent out on April 22, 2014.
Joe User,
We don't send email very often but felt this information was worthy of us reaching out. We have recently applied special filtering in our Search database that catches a large percentage of the spam and viral posts that have been inundating the newsgroups. You should have a much higher percentage of valid posts in your search results now.
We are currently working on developing deeper automated inspection of post content and will be removing anything in our database that points to viral content, for example any rar file that has embedded .exe files.
Also, the current version of Newsbin, 6.51 ( is better at catching spam and viruses that you may have queued for download accidentally. The configuration is under Options/Spam Filter Settings and you can tell Newsbin to fail any .rar files that contain .exe files (which are viruses 99.9% of the time). If you don't have passwords for some of the password protected content, you can have Newsbin fail those as well.
Thank you for being a subscriber to our Usenet Search service. If you have any questions or need help, we are always available through our Technical Support Form at
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