just did a fresh install of ubuntu64bit and wine 64bit and tried to install newsbin 64bit and said i needed a 64bit operating system.
anyone else get it working in linux?
Moderators: Quade, dexter, newsraider, DThor
Quade wrote:I don't even have a copy. Don't you have any computer savy friends that can install it then make you copies? You're asking Dex and I to do a fairish amount of work when you could do this yourself. Hell, go to Best Buy, find a PC with 64 bit vista, install it there and use a memory stick to bring it home.
DThor wrote:It's extra work to maintain for a very specific case, and Linux isn't strictly supported. I guess it's sort of assumed if you want to get NB running on Linux(esp 64 bit!), you're not a noob. Also, you're not really going to have some sort of incredible experience running 64 bit NB on linux/wine vs what you get with the 32 bit experience. I can tell you that for a fact.
Basically, I guess I'm saying don't pine for it - you're not missing out. If you want to go through this process because you love hacking and all things technical, go nuts, but you've basically said that's not the case here.
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