Changed to Suse 10.1 Can't get NewsBin Pro

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

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Changed to Suse 10.1 Can't get NewsBin Pro

Postby rsmits » Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:05 am

I had News Bin Pro 4.3 working just fine under Suse 9.3 with CrossOver Office. Now that I've updated my distro to Suse 10.1 CrossOver Office seems to run just fine. But I can't get Newsbin Pro 4.3 or 5.21 to install.

With 4.3, it all seems to install just fine, and I even get to enter the news server and select newsgroups. But then it all seems to go awry. I can't open any newsgroup, and can't enter my registration code. In fact I don't seem able to click on any part of the window.

Then newsbin just turns itselt off.

Any suggestions?
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Postby DThor » Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:51 am

You followed the HOWTO in this thread and have those two dlls? If so, just for larfs try running it in vanilla wine(this shouldn't effect crossover - it goes into ~/.cxoffice or something while wine goes into ~/.wine ). Personally I've always had less problem in basic wine over the repackaged ones.

Can you be a little more specific about what happens? You get the interface coming up - but it locks up? Are there error messages in the shell? Try clicking in the titlebar - sometimes there are focus issues with wine. Also, try hiding the Downloads and Connection tabs(just show Scratch, for example). The first thing that tends to cause redraw problems are those download checkers repainting.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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