internet search

Just thought that I would post this.
I am running newsbin pro 5.34B6 on linux. It works great.
I have only found one problem it is in the new internet search option.
If I type in the name of a fine and filter for files 500mb or larger it seems to always come back with nothing. If I filter for 1mb the same search will come back with many entries which I can than re filter to 500mb. But If I just filter to 500mb nothing comes back in the search.
Just thought I would pass this on.
I am running newsbin pro 5.34B6 on linux. It works great.
I have only found one problem it is in the new internet search option.
If I type in the name of a fine and filter for files 500mb or larger it seems to always come back with nothing. If I filter for 1mb the same search will come back with many entries which I can than re filter to 500mb. But If I just filter to 500mb nothing comes back in the search.
Just thought I would pass this on.