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MOD HTML Currently Disabled Newsbin 5.35 and SUSE10.1

Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:55 am
by dinodozer
I am running Newsbin 5.35 on SUSE10.1 with Crossover 6.0. Newsbin works fine except when loading headers from a group the headers flicker until the entire group has loaded and then it's fine. Also, MOD says that HTML is disabled. Has anyone run into this and have they been able to correct it? I thought that it might be a .dll file. I have mfc42.dll, msvcp60.dll and msvcrt.dll loaded. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks

Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:12 am
by DThor
Flickering comes with the territory when you're running wine, of any flavour. It's got to do with how they had to implement the redraw code - some apps trigger that flicker more than others. You can install html services(this is only used to display MOTD, which you can disable if you're registered), I'm not sure how Crossover does it - but don't you just run the config program to install software(explorer)? After that runs successfully, NB should be able to display MOTD just fine.
MOD HTML Currently Disabled Newsbin 5.35 and SUSE10.1

Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:11 am
by dinodozer
DThor thanks very much for your comments. After further reading I decided to go back and unistall Newbin 5.35 and reinstall in a WinXp bottle with Crossover 6.0. Now I'm getting the MOD. I do have a little dialogue box popping up but I can deal with that. Can't tell really what it is because the info is truncated. I'm very pleased to be able to run Newsbin in Linux.