anyway to us grep for searching in the index files on hdd ?

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anyway to us grep for searching in the index files on hdd ?

Postby tommy4 » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:10 pm

i use newsbin in a vmware maschiene
it is realy slow to load or search in a big group and takes a lot of time
is there anyway to use grep or any other shell programm to search for names in the files in spool/ ?

with the midnight commander i can show into a .rv2 file, they are all gzip files ?

but i am locking for a way to searh all .rv2 files with grep or any other shell programm, anyone have some good ideas for me how it can be possible ?
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Postby Quade » Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:17 pm

Local search in the 5.5 beta's is hella faster than loading or local search in the older ones.

If you want to search the RV2's, you'll have to unzip them, and write something to parse them. The format's documented in the "Ask Quade" section. I need to document the RV3 format when I get a chance too. It's not gzipped (used in 5.5).
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