Gridlines display

Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:19 am
by qtstar
I am getting a problem when scrolling through long post lists where the grid lines get corrupted and display over the text.
Hopefully the screenshot shows what I mean:

This makes the text very difficult to read!
Is it possible to turn off the display of grid lines in the post list?
Re: Gridlines display

Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:23 am
by DThor
Well, that's wrong. Anything you can suggest about your environment that might be causing that? Oddball graphics card, old drivers, laptop, running on linux, etc.?
To answer your question, though, I'm not near Newsbin atm, I'd be digging through the prefs just like you though. Someone else might know offhand one way or the other.
[EDIT] ah, yes, of course, you're posting in the linux forum...I just go through the new messages and miss that sometimes. Yeah, it's obviously a wine issue. As far as being able to disable, no, sorry, I haven't been able to find an option to disable them in the latest. I'm going to fire up the latest on my linux machine and see if I can repro...
[EDIT B] OK, I've tried the latest(not released yet) and I don't see this behaviour, the grid lines are quite well behaved. Tried resizing NB, min, max, scroll like mad, etc. Of course, there's several variables. I'm running on the latest suse, which really in my experience the distro is very, very rarely related to issues like this, it's almost always the graphics card, driver and the release of wine you're running. I'm running a decent older nvidia card(9800gtx I believe) and a pretty recent driver release - 290.10, and wine 1.3.30. It's hard to say if it's related to exactly how many posts it takes to trigger it - are you saying you don't see this at all, but suddenly large loads trigger it?
Re: Gridlines display

Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:40 pm
by qtstar
I'll check the wine release but it won't be a recent one as I'm using a version of Mint which is about 12-18 months old. I was hoping to avoid a move to something new as most things work ok and I'm hoping to upgrade to a faster PC in the next few months. My graphics card is an older Nvidia as well but again the drivers will be a few versions old.
Smallish post lists seem to be fine. In large post lists I see it mostly when I click on the thumb on the scroll bar and drag it down a fair way. It gets worse the further down the post list you go. Just one extra line at first, then 2, then 3 and so on. Closing the post list and reopening it doesn't help because as soon as you scroll back down it comes back! I've tried to move to where I want to be in the list and then trigger Newsbin to redraw the list but I haven't found a way to do this yet. If I switch to a different tab such as Search and then go back to Posts, the lines are still there.
6.21 is the first version I've used for a while - since I used ver 4 a few years ago in fact, so I can't say if this happened in previous releases or not.
There's an option to disable the grid lines in the Groups tab but not in the Posts list as far as I can see?
Re: Gridlines display

Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:51 pm
by DThor
Yeah, was more about debugging than a suggestion you buy new gear.

You might want to consider updating the graphics drivers(altho with nvidia, always caution with this) and definitely try a recent wine though. If you set things up so you can always fall back, it's a safe exercise. It does sound to me like a wine issue, in the sense that they may have addressed it in a later release.
Re: Gridlines display

Sun May 06, 2012 4:51 pm
by nikkil
Hi qtstar, what flavour and version of Linux are you using for this?