Newsbin works great on Linux
if you ever wanted to try out Linux but didnt want to leave newsbin behind dont worry you dont have too
this is going to be a pretty simple walk through on installing newsbin on linux because its a pretty simple process these days
ill be modifying and adding to this post as i get more tips and feedback from users.
so let us begin
1. 1st install wine from your favorite linux distro. im not going to give instructions on installing it since there are so many different commands depending on the distro you use. just open up a package manager and find "wine" if you are having problems with your version of wine or want a more updated wine. head over to https://www.winehq.org/download and add the wine repo. myself im using http://antergos.com which uses http://www.archlinux.org repos so the wine is pretty current. if you are a new user of linux my advice would be to start out with
Ubuntu. lots of different versions to choose from depending on your desktop preference. here is a link to them all http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours

2. now lets go get Newsbin http://www.newsbin.com/freetrial.php you will want the "ALTERNATE INSTALLER" its down the page a little bit. now go to your download folder and right click the newsbin installer and select open with wine command. it should just be a normal install after that.

3. now to run wine. depending on your distro it will make a shortcut in your programs section but if not you can easily run newsbin by going to the terminal and copy paste

4. UnRar and Par2. these shouldn't be needed as newsbin should take care of that but if you do have some files that need to be extracted. Linux has the tools to do it. in your software manager look for "Unrar" "par2" most Distros will come up with Archive manager that will handle the rest.
thats it!

this is going to be a pretty simple walk through on installing newsbin on linux because its a pretty simple process these days

so let us begin

1. 1st install wine from your favorite linux distro. im not going to give instructions on installing it since there are so many different commands depending on the distro you use. just open up a package manager and find "wine" if you are having problems with your version of wine or want a more updated wine. head over to https://www.winehq.org/download and add the wine repo. myself im using http://antergos.com which uses http://www.archlinux.org repos so the wine is pretty current. if you are a new user of linux my advice would be to start out with

2. now lets go get Newsbin http://www.newsbin.com/freetrial.php you will want the "ALTERNATE INSTALLER" its down the page a little bit. now go to your download folder and right click the newsbin installer and select open with wine command. it should just be a normal install after that.

3. now to run wine. depending on your distro it will make a shortcut in your programs section but if not you can easily run newsbin by going to the terminal and copy paste
- Code: Select all
wine /home/yourlinuxusernamerightinhere/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Newsbin/NewsbinPro64.exe

4. UnRar and Par2. these shouldn't be needed as newsbin should take care of that but if you do have some files that need to be extracted. Linux has the tools to do it. in your software manager look for "Unrar" "par2" most Distros will come up with Archive manager that will handle the rest.
thats it!