Posters.dat help

Tips on writing regular expressions for searching the post list

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Posters.dat help

Postby Buzzy » Fri May 07, 2004 8:01 pm

I am trying to get rid of some spammer posts, and it seems the only way to do it is to do some work on the posters.dat file.

XBX <[email protected]>
WANTED <[email protected]>
ROYAL <[email protected]>

and variations of the name are posting the same files, but with the filenames changed or modified in such a way as to not get picked up as duplicates.

I've tried:

XBX <[email protected]>
WANTED <[email protected]>
ROYAL <[email protected]>

but the regex filering appears to have no effect. Any ideas?

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Postby AlphaTrion[A3] » Sat May 08, 2004 2:40 am

I could be wrong, but I don't think that the posters.dat uses regular expressions. I think that RE is only used for post filtering (Filters.xml).

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Postby Quade » Sat May 08, 2004 9:35 am

No regex in the posters.dat. It's OLD. I'll look into adding it for the next rev.
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Postby Buzzy » Sat May 08, 2004 9:39 am

Quade wrote:No regex in the posters.dat. It's OLD. I'll look into adding it for the next rev.

Excellent! I'll be looking for it (even beta test, if need be)!
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Postby pher » Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:07 am

I'm also waiting for this possibility. By now it's absolutely impossible to lockout this kind of posters. Thanks in advance
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Postby itimpi » Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:56 am

I am reasonably certain that the current beta (4.33B6) has this implemented. It would be worth trying it to check.
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