Entering multiple expressions (like a lot)

Fri Feb 08, 2002 9:50 pm
by phil
What's the easiest way to enter a lot of expressions? CAn I put it in a file somewhere? Cutting and pasting all at once won't work (in my version at least), it'll only catch the first one. IS this the case in 4.0? ANy hints appreciated.
RE: Entering multiple expressions (like a lot)

Sat Feb 16, 2002 1:46 am
by GoAWest
You can edit the filter files directly with a text editor. In NB4 this is actually an .XML file but you can still edit with with a text editor. It's probably a good idea to make a backup copy before you do this and put a few filters in via the NB4 GUI so that you can see the format when you're editing.