Newbie: Lost in "filter profiles"

Tips on writing regular expressions for searching the post list

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Newbie: Lost in "filter profiles"

Postby Metalbunny » Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:06 pm

I'm a bit lost in the filter profiles. When NB runs in automagic mode, will it apply all filter sets, or just the default one, or how does that work???

I just installed it a few hours ago (takes a while to read the manuals) ... Can't use the tutorials, because they use QT mods which are unusable on XP...atleast I haven't gotten it working yet...

I want the program to be fully automated, just hit go and it'll find, fetch, skip, and delete as I request...

The thing is that I'm trying to transfer from Agent, where I've got a very complex spam filter for one, "avoid these" filter second, and finally a massive 1600+ name-select filter at the end ...

If you can combine the filter sets in automode, it would be alot easier to maintain the massive filters I use, otherwise I'd have to create one gigantic filter to cover all of my needs...

Which is it, will it run through all filter sets (since I can't seem to find a way to specify which to use), or will it only use the default...??? In automagic mode that is...

RE: Newbie: Lost in "filter profiles"

Postby dexter » Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:13 pm

The tutorial works for me under XP. Not sure what the problem might be. I didn't have to install any special mods to make it work. Are you running Internet Explorer? I haven't tested it with other browsers.

To answer your question, when NewsBin runs through groups in automatic mode, it applies the filter set defined for each group. You can assign the filter set by right-clicking on the group and selecting "Filter Profile" then selecting the filter set you configured under the Filter menu.

As for your complex spam filter, the way our filters work now, you'd have to copy it into every filter set you have defined. Maybe you can talk Quade into putting allowing a "Global" filter set that applies to everything in addition to specific filter sets that can be applied per group.
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RE: Newbie: Lost in "filter profiles"

Postby Metalbunny » Wed Oct 23, 2002 3:06 pm

>The tutorial works for me under
>XP. Not sure what
>the problem might be.
>I didn't have to install
>any special mods to make
>it work. Are you
>running Internet Explorer? I
>haven't tested it with other

I've got problems with everything in browsers as a rule of thumb. In this case, I click the tutorials, then either link there, the applet loads up, then says "The Html page has been modified. Stopping.".

I've got no idea what it means by that ... and this is in both IE and Opera ... haven't tried with Netscape, 'cause it's not particular stable to me...

>To answer your question, when NewsBin
>runs through groups in automatic
>mode, it applies the filter
>set defined for each group.
> You can assign the
>filter set by right-clicking on
>the group and selecting "Filter
>Profile" then selecting the filter
>set you configured under the
>Filter menu.

Not very convenient ...

>As for your complex spam filter,
>the way our filters work
>now, you'd have to copy
>it into every filter set
>you have defined. Maybe
>you can talk Quade into
>putting allowing a "Global" filter
>set that applies to everything
>in addition to specific filter
>sets that can be applied
>per group.

That would be alot more useful ... Newsbin needs a cross-implementation of the filter system it has, at the group-specific filtering you've got in Agent and Xnews ... right now the filter system has sofar taken me an hour to setup ... because it can only get 1 line at a time ... still haven't found out if it supports AND, OR, NOT at all ... if it does it would make it alot simpler ... provided it can handle extremely long strings...

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