recipe for "no non-english audiobooks"

- Code: Links not allowed for unregistered users
(?#english only)\bh[öo]e?rspi?ele?
(?#english only)\baudi?oboek
(?#english only)\bh[öo]rbuch
(?#english only)\blivre\W+audio\b
(?#english only)\bund\W+der\b
Just stick these (one line at a time) into whatever reject list you're using to filter audiobook posts.
Note the comment sections - I find these very useful, when looking at accept/reject patterns and thinking (OK, what the heck does that one do?)
I've also found (?#tmp) very useful in marking short term accept/reject patterns that I expect to get rid of in a couple of days.
Quade - if this is too close to mentioning content, please just delete - thx!