Unchecked pre-allocate files not working?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Unchecked pre-allocate files not working?

Postby mjpierce » Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:00 am

Using 6.73RC1

In my performance options I have unchecked "pre-allocate file".

If I modify an NZB to download just the first few segments of a part (to see what it is), the entire size of the part gets allocated and written to disk, and not just the first few mega bytes I downloaded. Is this not pre-allocating the file even though I have it unchecked?

Doing it this way worked fine in 6.56
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Re: Unchecked pre-allocate files not working?

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:28 pm

That's not pre-allocating. It's setting the size to the actual file size.

Pre-allocating means allocate before assembly. It always pads the files out to full size if it knows the size no matter what the pre-allocate mode is. .
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