NewsBin 6.73B1 Build 4791 - Shutdown Issue

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

NewsBin 6.73B1 Build 4791 - Shutdown Issue

Postby YetAnotherForumName » Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:11 pm

NewsBin Pro has a number of issues that, combined, are so annoying I might investigate other products. I'm not going to enumerate them all in one post. I'm hoping I somehow caused these issue but even if I didn't I'd still like them fixed.

The first issue:-

I start NBP, there are no pending downloads - its doing nothing and yet it takes 10-20 seconds for NBP to shutdown. This is annoying.

What might I have done in terms of NBP config to cause this and how do I fix it?

For reference my PC is Core i7 5960X OC'd to 4 Ghz with 32 Gigs ram. Newsbin data folders are on a RAID 0 array. My virus checker is configured to exclude NBP for any and all virus checking activity.
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Re: NewsBin 6.73B1 Build 4791 - Shutdown Issue

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:18 am

Is it importing headers? Number in parens down near the cache line. If it's non-zero it's importing headers. 4-5 popular groups on Usenet are getting heavily spammed causing slow header imports into the DB. If it's still importing headers when you exit, I'll bet that's why it's slow to close.
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