watchlist internet matching poster ingnored

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watchlist internet matching poster ingnored

Postby Bexley » Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:05 am

Hi, I have a watchlist using internet lookup, it specifies a string, a poster and a group. I am getting flooded with string matches from other groups and other posters. Any suggestions? AI am running 6.72 build 4776. Regards
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Re: watchlist internet matching poster ingnored

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:34 am

Internet search watch lists support poster OR subject filtering on the search side. Headers support doing both at once because headers supply both at the same time.

You can make it work the way you want by making it a "Poster Search" only then making and assigning a filter profile to the watch and add the subjects you want to this filter profile. The way this works is:

1 - Search returns all results from the poster.

2 - Filter profile filters out or in the subjects you want.

You can also go the other direction too, search for a subject in the main search then use a filter profile to filter down to just the poster you like. Typically I think the first way works better. Return all results from poster, then filter in or out the subjects you want.
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Re: watchlist internet matching poster ingnored

Postby Bexley » Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:19 am

Thank you! Rapid support response as always. I really appreciate the quality of this product and the support! Regards
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