newsbin adding and removing download dir

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newsbin adding and removing download dir

Postby Bexley » Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:37 am

Hi, I have observed something odd - I have a group where I have set existing folders as download and decoding respectively. When I download from the group I can see the folder for download being added and removed as traffic comes in and is then decoded. But sometimes in this adding and removing the folder no longer exists then the default folder is used. I think I would prefer that Newsbin not add or delete folders which I created. Any way to change this behavior? Regards
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Re: newsbin adding and removing download dir

Postby Quade » Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:37 am

You ought to be able to toss some random file in there to prevent it from removing the folder.

Hopefully the download folder isn't in the data folder. Also make sure the NZB autoload folder, if you have one, isn't targeting the download folder.
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