Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

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Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Thu May 11, 2017 6:45 am

Hey, I just upgraded to Fios gigabit but I'm only hitting like 300Mbps off usenet. (Speedtest maxes out the connection at 944.89 Mbps. And just to brag a little, 938.79 up :D :D)

Is the slow speed something wrong with my settings, and/or hardware? Or is it just as fast as I can get off of Astraweb?

I saw in the stickied "speed record" topic that having my data folder on a separate SSD could have something to do with it?

My computer is definitely aging so it could be hardware related also:

CPU: I7 3930K
RAM: 32 GB ddr3
SSD: Samsung 512gb 840 Pro

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Re: Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby Quade » Thu May 11, 2017 10:46 am

Guy on IRC did the same. He's hitting 800 Mbps with 40 connections.

He did find his software firewall was somewhat hobbling the download. He could only achieve this speed by disabling it. is where we were talking about this.

I'd expect you'll only see the fastest speeds with the larger files. Things like images and mp3's have much more overhead than large files.
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Re: Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby jjEmulator » Thu May 11, 2017 8:03 pm

The number of connections is where it is in... and the types of files you download AND if you got auto-par/-rar on or not ...
Even my 6700k with 16GB Ram shows 0Mbps/0MBps when I have autopar on and I'm downloading a 5000 files set of C64 diskimages (~160KB each) with 1 par set ...
Every file seems to be greeted with a handshake, a hug, a pina-colada and a tour around the estate ;)
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Re: Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Wed May 17, 2017 7:08 pm

I've been meaning to join the IRC chat just haven't had time...Anyway I figured out part of the slow speeds are due to Astraweb itself, I was hitting 700 Mbps off UsenetServer.
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Re: Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby Quade » Wed May 17, 2017 11:42 pm

Even my 6700k with 16GB Ram shows 0Mbps/0MBps when I have autopar on and I'm downloading a 5000 files set of C64 diskimages (~160KB each) with 1 par set ...

You can keep an eye on the cache line, if it's running around 0 most of the time it means Newsbin is waiting for the disk.
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Re: Not reaching anywhere near gigabit speeds?

Postby jjEmulator » Fri May 19, 2017 3:33 pm

Quade wrote:
Even my 6700k with 16GB Ram shows 0Mbps/0MBps when I have autopar on and I'm downloading a 5000 files set of C64 diskimages (~160KB each) with 1 par set ...

You can keep an eye on the cache line, if it's running around 0 most of the time it means Newsbin is waiting for the disk.

On an SSD? At least that's where the newsbin install is, the files itself would be going to a regular HDD though. If I download the same set and only leave the par file out of the selection (with autopar turned on) or turn autopar off, the download will always max out my 100 Mbit cable connection.
And it keeps doing that downloading the next bunch of files to the same disk, even while I manually run par on what I just downloaded... so given what is on usenet right now, it's more of an edge case.
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