When will "Fail RAR files that need Passwords" work again?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

When will "Fail RAR files that need Passwords" work again?

Postby JackOfHearts » Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:47 pm

Current Version: 6.81

When I set the Options -> Settings -> Spam Filter Settings -> Fail RAR files that need Passwords, and then show the posts in the group I've updated, it is full of RAR files that require passwords. From what I understand from this forum, I'm not alone with this discovery. What I haven't been able to discern is when this will be fixed. Can we get an update on its status?
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Re: When will "Fail RAR files that need Passwords" work agai

Postby Quade » Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:34 pm

Fail RAR files that need Passwords

This has nothing to do with the display of the encrypted files.

"Hide spam search results" and

"Hide encrypted Search Results"

Are what would hide encrypted results when using search.

For header downloads, there's no way to know if a set of files is encrypted without first trying to download part of it. Because of that, it's impossible to hide encrypted results. On the other hand when you try to download them, as long as you're not using Ctrl-Y or "Download Bypass filters" they should fail when you try to download them.
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