Upgrading with installer does not remember previous settings

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Upgrading with installer does not remember previous settings

Postby jsmallberry » Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:36 pm

I am trying to upgrade from 6.73 to the latest but am noticing that the installer is acting like I am running it for the first time. I have my database files and config in c:\temp\newsbin but the installer prompts me to set it again and defaults to C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Newsbin. I just don't want to lose my filters, groups, etc... Should the installer not know what my existing settings are, if it is already installed and I am doing an upgrade?
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Re: Upgrading with installer does not remember previous sett

Postby akrstic » Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:10 pm

Seem to have the same problem here. Upgraded from 6.80 to 6.81
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Re: Upgrading with installer does not remember previous sett

Postby dexter » Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:30 pm

If you upgraded your OS since the last time the installer was run, or if you are running some windows registry cleaning software, like cclean, it may have removed the registry variable that tells the installer where to find your info. This can also happen if you change the Newsbin Data Folder location manually. You can recover from this by locating your original newsbin.nbi configuration file and launch Newsbin using that configuration. Search your hard drives for newsbin.nbi and look for one with a date from when Newsbin was last configured correctly. Then double-click on that file to launch Newsbin using those settings. If you need to change your data folder location, the procedure is here: http://help.newsbin.com/index.php/V660- ... r_location
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Re: Upgrading with installer does not remember previous sett

Postby jsmallberry » Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:30 pm

Thanks. I just went through the installer and chose defaults. Then immediately clicked my old .nbi and it came back the way it was supposed to. Not sure what happened, as I do not use any registry cleaning software, and the old version had been installed from scratch fairly recently.

6.81 also fixes issues that I had with obfuscated/encoded .nzb files.

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Re: Upgrading with installer does not remember previous sett

Postby dexter » Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:54 pm

Glad that worked for you. I've also heard of windows updates kindof messing with things too.
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