Files List details blank

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Files List details blank

Postby jimerb » Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:40 pm

I experience a chronic condition in the files list tab where details don't show on many many files.

The following columns will be blank:
* Filename
* Download Path
* Size
* Subject
* Group

The only thing that shows is date.

I will have a list of files in the tab and about half of them have no details. Even if I turn off downloading for long periods of time to try and let it "Catch Up", it never does.

What can i do to either force a refresh or correct this? (I right click in the list and hit "Refresh list" and it reloads it with no details again.)

I'm running 6.81B4 Build 5071
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Re: Files List details blank

Postby Quade » Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:53 am

Well, you're like 10 versions back. I'd install 6.82RC1 and see if it still does it. If it does, I can look at it deeper.
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Re: Files List details blank

Postby jimerb » Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:30 pm

I upgraded to 6.82rc1 a month ago and it seemed to get a little better but i still go into tabs where thousands of posts have no details at all.

I have to wait as they trickle in which can take upwards of 30 minutes.

Not sure why it's not fetching the descriptions at the time of download instead of waiting until i go to the tab.
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Re: Files List details blank

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:55 pm

How many connections are you running? The downloads have priority over the display so if you're running a bunch of connections, you can get delayed display update. Particularly if you have a high speed connection.
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Re: Files List details blank

Postby jimerb » Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:54 pm


It would be better if they downloaded as you go or at least have an option to.

It's guaranteed that your going to come back to review them at some point and then you have a long delay.

Because the delay is so long, I usually just wind up clearing the whole list and trying to figure out what downloaded manually. At least then i can see what's going on with the newest downloads.

It would also be helpful if the list was nested so it only showed the main item. I really don't need to see 10 zillion rars/pars. I just want to know whats finished unraring. (Maybe with a + next to it.) I suppose this would make the "catchup problem" with the details less imperative too.
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