Version 6.82 build 5142 still doesn't unpack correctly

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Version 6.82 build 5142 still doesn't unpack correctly

Postby Calahan » Sun Jan 19, 2020 9:25 pm

Version 6.82 build 5142 still doesn't unpack correctly.
PLEASE make sure every file and folder will be extracted/created with their correct names.
Any unpacked file or folder must not renamed to something else under all circumstances.

By the way, I choosed to use the internal rar timestamps. File dates are set correctly but the date of the folders are not.

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Re: Version 6.82 build 5142 still doesn't unpack correctly

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:53 am

What's getting renamed?
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Re: Version 6.82 build 5142 still doesn't unpack correctly

Postby Calahan » Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:26 pm

Sent another example.

Please don't write again, it's a german word, which is too long.
Whatever filenames and foldernames are in a packed file, they must not get renamed.
You have to make sure, that your "renaming method" isn't called in any case, when you unpack files and folders, I think.

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