6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

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6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby jcthorne » Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:47 am

Lately there have been a number of downloads that are entire seasons of tv shows in a single nzb. They download fine but Newsbin is giving each file a name like abc.xyz.2252a842b606a9.mkv rather than the name of the episode that is shown in the subject line for each file. I also tried to use the option for adding subject to the file name but its limited to files with names of 14 characters or less so will not help here. Also subject prepend option only works for mp3 files so no help either.

I also have checked the option to attach file summary information to the file but newsbin is not doing so. The comments and tags are blank for the files properties when saved.

Any suggestions on how I can have these files named in some fashion to identify each episode? As is they are useless as there seems to be no way to tell which episode is which.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby Quade » Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:26 pm

The problem is that it's the RAR files that contain the incorrect MKV Filenames. Newsbin when it unrars just uses the filenames already in the RARs. In special cases it'll rename the encoded MKV to be the same name as the NZB file.
That probably wouldn't help when a full season is inside the NZB File.

What I mean is by the time the unrar happens, the subject is long gone and the filename comes from inside the RARS themselves.

I'm about ready to hand a new beta to Dex to post to IRC. If you RAR up some of these NZB's and email them to [email protected] I can take a look. It's a good time for it since the betas are still a work in progress and I can easily add stuff between betas.

NZB File->Newsbin->Download Files with random names -> Pars Rename to random named files that end in RAR -> RAR Decode -> MKV Filenames have random encoded names.

The filenames are random throughout so, some software magic will be needed to rename them.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby jcthorne » Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:53 pm

I emailed 3 NZB files that came across yesterday and today that exhibit this behavior.

Let me know if there is anything i can do to assist.

Thanks for looking into it.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby jcthorne » Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:01 pm

On further review, it does not appear these nzb files download rar sets at all. The episodes are fully contained in one post each and download as the mkv, not rars and pars.

Anyway there seems to be more and more of this being posted recently. I am hoping its not too difficult a fix to handle.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby Quade » Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:47 pm

Something like that is easier to deal with. Sort of a post-repair block rename from subject. It depends on the NZB File itself though.

Most of the time it's just a matter of knowing what bizarre things the posters are doing.

I got the files. Thanks.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:27 pm

You're right about what they are. Naked MKV files with no PAR files. Newsbin is using the names that they were posted with so, it's working "correctly".

I'd need to notice these filenames during assembly, notice that there are no PAR files, try to determine if there's a valid filename in the subject and then allow the subject to override the filename that the poster used. I might be able to ignore the PAR state by just always using the subject in some cases and allowing it to override the normal filenames.

The first new beta won't have a fix for this. I've already handed it off to Dex.
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Re: 6.82 using incorrect file names when unrar

Postby jcthorne » Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:42 pm

Thanks for digging into it.
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