Newsbin key not active

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Newsbin key not active

Postby bonalymac » Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:24 am

I just renewed my search subscription a few days ago.

I'm still getting "Newsbin Key not Active" when I search. I filled in a contact form (I think on Monday) but I've heard nothing since. I suspect it is because my registered email address is an old address that I have not had access to for I suspect about 2 years. I put my new email address on the contact form.

The old address no longer exists as the ISP stopped offering email services, so I have no way to access it.

I'm not sure if the problem is the old address or whether admin are busy.

Any suggestions as to the next step please.
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Re: Newsbin key not active

Postby Quade » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:42 am

Normally Dex replies to the email you supply in the form. It's easiest if you include the key part in the form so we can look you up.

It's also possible your reply is sitting in a spam email box too.

You can PM me your key and email address. I can look it up. We normally don't handle that here in the forum.
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Re: Newsbin key not active

Postby bonalymac » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:00 pm

No probs, I've resent the contact form. thanks.
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