Server color not working for large files

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Server color not working for large files

Postby tacomaguy20 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:54 pm

Hello, I have been using the most recent stable version of the program and server color has been working well for most downloads. Well, today I was setting up some additional servers (and colors) and I noticed when downloading a large file (80 gigs) the server color does not display and defaults to the current progress color (Blue). None of my servers are set as blue color because I know that is the progress bar color. To clarify, when I open the plus sign next to the main download title (80gigs) to see all the individual download files (544mb each), I can see each of the rars downloading but where I would normally see chunks in each rar file completing, the bar slowly progresses from left to right turning blue just like the progress bar at the top (instead of showing the individual rar files progressing in colored chunks). I don't know if this is because of the file size or because of something else. I tried downloading the newest beta and it does the same. I'm wondering if server color is size limited or if there is another reason the program would do this?
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Re: Server color not working for large files

Postby Quade » Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:11 pm

Once "post per file count" gets too high Newsbin makes no effort to colorize the chunks. It just turns into "progress". It's a performance and practical issue. Once the post counts get high enough the space each chunk would take up would be less than a pixel thus invisible basically.

I'll be upfront and tell you that colorized blocks are going away altogether in the next beta. On the other hand, the servers tab will show current download amount per server for this session.

Posting has switched from say 40 meg RAR files with maybe 400-600 posts to 500 meg rar files with too many posts to possibly display so, that's why I'm removing this. Well, I mean I'm removing it because of the performance hit of trying to display 4000 lines for each file.
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Re: Server color not working for large files

Postby tacomaguy20 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:56 am

Okay, I'm interested to see what that looks like. The colors don't matter as much, I just like to see if my block accounts are being used or my unlimited accounts. Thanks
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Re: Server color not working for large files

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:57 am

The download amounts in the server tab can tell you that.
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