Bizarre issue when running under WINE... Current is NB6.90B1 on WINE6.0RC1 but issue has been going on for the past year, with earlier versions of NB and WINE of course. I've re-installed both "from scratch" but the behavior doesn't change.
Download progress displays as "normal" but certain files repeatedly end up being smaller to much smaller in size than they're supposed to be, and throughout those files will be areas ("chunks") of only 0x00-filled bytes. Logging always indicates that all chunks were downloaded successfully. Re-downloading the files usually results in different file sizes with different areas of only 0x00-filled bytes. Sometimes, after re-downloading the corrupt file(s) in the set perhaps a dozen times, with the multiples renamed, there's enough for MultiPAR to fix the file set. Doesn't matter what file type or if it's a PAR; any file type can be corrupted, but it does tend to be the larger files that are corrupt. It's always the same certain files that are corrupt.
So, earlier I installed NB on a Winderz-10 box and everything downloads perfectly. Just before posting this, I installed NB on a completely different Linux box with a fresh install of WINE and again it has the same corrupt download issue.
Again, when re-downloading the entire file set, it's always the same files in the set that are differently-corrupt, which makes me think this is an issue with NB rather than WINE.