ERROR FileAssemblerThread

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ERROR FileAssemblerThread

Postby brcarls » Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:36 pm

[08/14 07:21:27] ERROR FileAssemblerThread - Attempting to open file to scan for dataFileAssemblerThread - Unable to open Existing file to scan for data
[08/15 12:28:06] ERROR FileAssemblerThread - Attempting to open file to scan for dataFileAssemblerThread - Unable to open Existing file to scan for data

I get the above errors, but I don't understand what file it is trying to open. As far as I can tell, the drives are fine... SMART reports don't show any issues.

Any suggestions on how to debug this?
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Re: ERROR FileAssemblerThread

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:21 am

Does it download otherwise or no download?

If no download, it suggests a problem with permissions of the download path. Like the drive letter changed on the disk so the old download path is no longer valid.

If Download is still working, it suggests Newsbin thinks a file already exists on disk it wants to check but it can't open it for some reason.
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Re: ERROR FileAssemblerThread

Postby brcarls » Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:33 pm

It does download just fine..... but always pops up this error.

Can I delete or rebuild whatever index file is confused?
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Re: ERROR FileAssemblerThread

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:03 pm

You can disable the error popup in the prompts settings. It'll still log the error to the logging tab and log file. I have a feeling it's spurious error cause by maybe Newsbin and security software colliding or something like that.
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