Write Error - Failed to write data

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Write Error - Failed to write data

Postby DeadSerious » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:36 pm

I've done a search for this, but could only find one post, and I don't think the specifics were the same as mine. I'm frequently getting write errors when trying to unpack archives. The real problem is that once it starts I can't get it to stop trying to write, and it will keep trying until I close and restart. I've tried removing the file from the download list and removing the file from the drive. Doesn't seem to matter. And it basically stops everything behind it on the download list. (I also lose my "place" in all the open groups I'm working on) The other guy's problem was that the drive was exFAT, but mine is NTFS. Other than that, I'm not seeing any similarities in the files that are catching. I'm thinking they might all be .zip files? I'll start paying more attention. Just thought someone might have some suggestions or a solution to halt it trying to write.
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Re: Write Error - Failed to write data

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:34 am

Pretty weird.

What version are you using? Off the top of my head, I'd suspect a drive issue. Do you have plenty of free space?

The latest versions of Newsbin are a lot better about handling out of disk space problems. They'll stall the unrar/download while you still have some space.
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