Unsupported character in filename of DL?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Unsupported character in filename of DL?

Postby abandonedbrain » Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:21 pm

Hello, I've run into this a couple of times in the past few years. It's not a Newsbin problem that I'm aware of; more of a poster issue. I have a couple of files I wish to download, but Newsbin errors on out them with "Download failed: Failure count exceeds limits". When I look at the filename, I see that the file should be called "99 1/2...", but the actual character used by the poster isn't an actual '/', but a really odd, very W I D E version of a slash. I believe this is what's actually causing the problem in Newsbin.

Is there a way to download a file but rename what it's saved as? I could only find ways to change the location of the saved file.

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