Sometimes NB starts over downloading files

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Sometimes NB starts over downloading files

Postby nbwul62 » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:13 am

Sometimes NB starts over files that have been downloaded already.

Sometimes this happens: a number of downloads.
All okay. Extracted, etc.

Then on the next occasion NB is launched (all, or at least a lot) is redownloaded?
Right now.. it has been downloaded 5.3GB of files that, AFAIK, were okay the previous time.

So, now I have 48 .rar files, starting with 005, 006, 007.. that are not unpacked because 001-004 are missing.
On the first run they were downloaded, unpacked.

just discovered...
I still had the .nzb file (was a few weeks back)
loaded it
noticed that 3 files had a blue bullet in front, seems not to have been downloaded
redownloaded 001-004
newsbin unpacked the files again.

when checking against the files that were downloaded already, they were exactly the same.
the total (new) folder size was the same as the one that was downloaded some time back.

just want to report it, nothing else.
(consider this as solved/closed)

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