Sick Beard integration

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Sick Beard integration

Postby gquiring » Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:29 pm

I configured SB today to use the NB integration with listening ports. I forced SB to download something. It starts the download in NB but it's a bad file ([21:20:48] ERROR UnRAR Error:Volume open error). So it sits there, not completing. How does SB get the notification that it should find a different NZB file? I am using NB 6.72.
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Re: Sick Beard integration

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:57 am

I think you're trying to solve the wrong problem. You should never get that unrar problem. Sounds like Newsbin thinks the rars have landed when they're still not on disk or something.

([21:20:48] ERROR UnRAR Error:Volume open error).

Anyway, Sickbeard has no way to ID failures. When I first wrote the integration, because of how the API works, I expected SB to be able to but it's simply not coded that way. On the other hand Sonarr talks using the API to newsbin and both tracks the download and when a file set fails.

In the options there's a URL defined. That's how Newsbin tells SB that a download succeeds. There's no way to tell SB that a download failed though.
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Re: Sick Beard integration

Postby gquiring » Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:27 am

Wow then I don't see why we need this 'integration'. Might as well go back to the black hole method.

Off topic question, what do you think of Sonarr vs Sick Beard? Sick Beard has turned into abandonware, I like it but with no upgrades coming things like trying a different NZB would be nice.
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Re: Sick Beard integration

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:52 pm

Wow then I don't see why we need this 'integration'. Might as well go back to the black hole method.

For something kinda brain-dead like SB I agree. The benefit of the integration though even with SB is that good files get grabbed and renamed quickly. With sonarr you can actually watch download progress in the sonarr web interface.
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