Vanishing Files

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Vanishing Files

Postby Maskawisewin » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:39 pm

Lately on quite a few of my downloads using build 4776 the download will progress along and suddenly lose most of it's files at various intervals, causing the download to cease at 99%. Some process is sweeping through the temp directory and removing everything at seemingly random intervals but since Newsbin believes the files are still there, the download stops at 99% and reports PAR: 0(xxx) pieces available, where (xxx) is always available PAR files that are never removed. If I restart Newsbin, the files are marked as duplicates and if I bypass filters sometimes they will complete, but mostly not. This only recently started happening in the last week or two as I've been using 6.72 since near-release.

Disabling AutoPAR has no effect. Files are still disappearing. No other files on my system are disappearing.

Earlier today I thwarted the deleting by moving files as they downloaded to the root of the temp directory from their temporary downloading subfolder.
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Re: Vanishing Files

Postby Quade » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:17 am

Lately on quite a few of my downloads using build 4776 the download will progress along and suddenly lose most of it's files at various intervals, causing the download to cease at 99%. Some process is sweeping through the temp directory and removing everything at seemingly random intervals but since Newsbin believes the files are still there, the download stops at 99% and reports PAR: 0(xxx) pieces available, where (xxx) is always available PAR files that are never removed.

Files in the data folder get cleared out when they get to be more than 2 days old.


If you increase this to say 4, it'll extend out how long the files are kept.

In the options select "Open Data Folder" then the file you need to edit is "Newsbin.nbi" unless you renamed it. You'll want to exit Newsbin before you edit the file.

This assumes the time and date on your PC is correct. If it isn't you'll get weird results.

Earlier today I thwarted the deleting by moving files as they downloaded to the root of the temp directory from their temporary downloading subfolder.

Hopefully you aren't downloading to the data folder directory. That's unsupported.
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Re: Vanishing Files

Postby Maskawisewin » Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:38 pm

Hopefully you aren't downloading to the data folder directory. That's unsupported.

Yeah I goofed on this one. I switched my directory to my network awhile back, then back to my local drive and in doing so assumed the temp directory in the data directory was where it was supposed to go. I should have just pushed restore defaults which I have now done. I'm sure it will work now. Thanks.
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