Quade wrote:Give the new 6.73RC1 a try.
Honestly this is symptoms of an older version.
The only difference now is when I restart the computer and then restart NB and load the NZB and download it to the folder the saved files are in it goes to failed files because of duplicate detection.
Quade wrote:The only difference now is when I restart the computer and then restart NB and load the NZB and download it to the folder the saved files are in it goes to failed files because of duplicate detection.
You make it sound like it's already left the download list. I assume a partial download is still in the download list, then you restart and it's still in the download list after the restart. The fact it's already in the duplicate detector suggests if already downloaded.
If you do something like sample first, you'll have to Ctrl-Y when you add it again to really download (to bypass the duplicate detector). Or you can simply disable the duplicate detector.
One thing I did notice recently is the problem doesn't occur when they are .rar files. It only occurs with yEnc files that it will not resume from where it left off and get picked up by the duplicate detector.
Quade wrote:One thing I did notice recently is the problem doesn't occur when they are .rar files. It only occurs with yEnc files that it will not resume from where it left off and get picked up by the duplicate detector.
How fast is the download? Does it look like files are stacking up in the download list waiting for the files to assemble? Does it resume properly if you disable the duplicate detector?
The fact it doesn't happen with rars but does trigger the dup detector suggests that downloads have gotten stacked up behind assembly of the files and when you restart, the signature cache has already been fed. That's very possible and would explain why I couldn't reproduce this before.
PoiSonPeZ wrote:I am a long time user of Newsbin Pro.
Not sure what version this resuming problem started. Maybe 4.73, but I am currently using 6.80B2. I have never had to mess with the settings in the past.
I use to be able to close Newsbin in the middle of a download and then it would resume when I started it up later. Now, when
I restart Newsbin, the existing download goes directly into Failed Files (duplicate detected). I have to right click on it and select Download - Bypass filters. But this does not resume the download, it starts from the beginning and creates duplicates.
Really annoying problem. My OS is Windows 10 Pro Creators Edition.
Quade wrote:I was just looking at this again.
I confirmed that turning off the dup detector allows it to continue downloading. It doesn't start from scratch either but resumes where it left off. I tested with a set of RARS and a set of FLACs, neither one re-downloaded the files it had already downloaded.
I tried this yesterday and it started from scratch. It only does it for files ending with yEnc. It will resume from where it left off if they are rar files.
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