Group posting lists are not showing all posts (6.73B2)

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Group posting lists are not showing all posts (6.73B2)

Postby Goattee » Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:57 am

This problem is not new to the version-- this has been going on for me for months now-- it's just that I only suspected it. But yesterday it became painfully true. I saw text posts thanking the contributor for some material they had uploaded in the last day or so. But even when I filtered in Newsbin Pro by age of post, that content did not appear. When I searched in, I found those posts right away. These were posted only two days earlier but they did not appear in my group posting list-- even though I had been looking daily for the past week.

I have posted the image on my website at:

One I create my own NZB, the files download at excellent speeds. So my provider's servers have the content and there are no network issues.

Is this the result of corrupt database or metafiles? As you can see from my screenshot, the only filtering I was doing was the age of posts.

I am convinced I have been missing the bulk of the postings in my various groups. Please, please help!
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Re: Group posting lists are not showing all posts (6.73B2)

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:29 am

I'd remove the 3 day date filter to start. After you remove the date filter, how many days of posts are shown?

What's you "Display Age" set to.

What happens if you right click and "Display All posts".

What's your "Storage Age" set to? Storage Age controls how long Newsbin keeps headers around.
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