Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

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Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby max » Fri May 12, 2017 5:52 am

Can you tell me the exact amount of days in retention the Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service has ? Or is there any website that tells me the current stats like Newsleecher Supersearch does ?
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby Quade » Fri May 12, 2017 10:54 am

We're probably approaching 3000 days if not more. We don't delete old records so it grows as usenet grows.
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby RayMark » Tue May 16, 2017 10:25 pm

And how to get to the older ones?

The age filter does not work, it seems. If I know an exact search string, then yes. But anything less specific - no.

For example, let's search for "1080p hdtv" (this could be a custom filter by itself, but I am using it just as an example)

No Age filter:

1969 hits in the date range: 2017-03-12 - 2017-05-17

Let's set the Age filter to 3 years:

1969 hits in the date range: 2017-03-12 - 2017-05-17 - i.e., the same. The filter is not working.

BTW, this search returns only less than 2 month worth of stuff with this rather generic search string. But the age filter does not provide a way to specify the step. 1 year - 3 years - 6 years - 9 years - clearly useless with more generic searches because the number of returned items is limited.

As to more specific searches - I had multiple cases when things were not found that should have been found and only making the search less specific made them appear.

Also, putting poster into a custom filter does not work. Excluding things in a custom filter does not work.
"Accept if " + "poster contains" - not working on the internet search

I also tried "Reject if" + "subject contains" also, "reject if" + "poster contains" - not working on the internet search.
Minimum size, age filters - also not working in the custom filter (I am pretty sure, I remember trying them unsuccessfully) - and again, the age filter even inside a custom filter cannot be made more precise, 3 years is not always enough.

But when things are not returned that should have been returned - that really is misleading. Time and again it made me believe that they were not posted when they were.
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby Quade » Wed May 17, 2017 12:11 am

You hit the older results by using a more specific search string. It's no different than a google seach, if youi search for some common word, you'll run out of hits quickly. You basically get 2000 hits per search. You can pull more using the backwards arrow looking thing on the tool bar. 5th button from the left. Setting a reasonable size filter helps going back further in time too.

"1080p hdtv" searching for this on usenet is like searching for "automobile" on google. you probably run out of hits pretty quickly. I used yoru search string and just added on additional word to make it a bit more specific and I got 3000 days worth of results.

If you use the age filter, it limits how far back it looks. It's the opposite of what you think it is.

Filtering only applies after you've already retrieved search results so it's not going to help here either. Imagine your search results as a bucket of bolts. When you use the age filter or the filter profiles, it's like you're filtering out all the metric bolts in the bucket. It's not going to increase the total number of hits. It just filters down the existing hits.
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby RayMark » Wed May 17, 2017 1:20 pm


Somehow I didn't notice the "Load older files" bent arrow button before :)

My problem is this: I want to search for posts of a specific poster. So I get only the newest ones. I cannot make the search more specific because there is no way to search for a combination of both a poster and a subject string.
Unless putting the poster into a custom filter - but if it filters the already returned results - it does not help.
And, even if it worked, I may not know the subjects of the poster's older posts.

But with this "Load older files" button, it seems that it is possible to retrieve older posts step-by-step - if the number of those steps is unlimited.
Interesting, if that requires a new search each time or the server keeps all the last search results of each user until the next search.
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby max » Thu May 18, 2017 9:55 am

Quade wrote:We're probably approaching 3000 days if not more. We don't delete old records so it grows as usenet grows.

Thanks but RayMark brings up important points!
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby max » Thu May 18, 2017 9:56 am

Sorry one last question will Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service ever have a web version ?
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Re: Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Postby Quade » Thu May 18, 2017 12:57 pm

Sorry one last question will Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service ever have a web version ?

I can ask Dex. I'm thinking not though.
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