what would block headers/post from showing up in NBP 64?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

what would block headers/post from showing up in NBP 64?

Postby eclapwannabe » Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:05 am

I am completely reworking this thing. Since I had ZERO RESPONSE FROM ANYONE ON THE LAST ?
I know the headers post exist because the are showing up with a very simple newsreader X-news.
All the headers/chunks/blocks from dates April 2009 until April 2013 are missing from one newsgroup in NBP 64. X-news shows 1,270,070 headers for this group. NBP 64 shows 1,260,070 headers. So how do I regain these missing 10k worth of headers? I do realize that NBP 64 will combine and condense some headers so I may have a net gain of 700-800 headers. Can I do a master reset on just one newsgroup?
Yes I can download the headers with X-news. NBP 64 does a much better job and is 100% faster.

I hope by reworking this thing somebody can help me. Please!
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