Posts with Multiple Par2 Sets

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Posts with Multiple Par2 Sets

Postby Spencer » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:06 pm

I have recently come across quite a few posts which contain two or more par2 sets. In most cases, there is the main par2 set containing the primary content, but there's also a much smaller secondary set (which might contain subtitles only, for example).

The problem is, Newsbin seems to treat the first par2 file in the post as the only par2 set, and I have experienced auto-par & extraction of the smaller set (ie: subtitles) only, and then subsequent deletion/cleanup of the entire post, so I lose the main content. Newsbin doesn't seem to see that the other par2 set is even there, yet cleans up all files associated with the post, even if they weren't part of the tiny par2 set.

Is this expected behaviour based on what Newsbin can handle? Couldn't find anything similar using a forum search...

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