NZB Download Folders being ignored.

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NZB Download Folders being ignored.

Postby kalzekdor » Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:50 pm

I'm currently using v6.80RC7. I have a couple NZB watch folders, each with specified Download/UnRAR folders. Unfortunately, as of some recent version (don't remember the version, sorry), the Download folder for one of the NZB watches is being ignored, and files are being downloaded to the default download directory. Most of the time after UnRAR they're moved to the correct folder, but I suspect those that aren't are due to some weirdness in the post, and would be moot anyway if they were only being downloaded to the correct location.
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Re: NZB Download Folders being ignored.

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:00 pm

For it to only fail to work with one watch suggests there's something specific to the path set in that watch.

Is there anything special about the download path for that watch? I've not been able to make to fail.
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Re: NZB Download Folders being ignored.

Postby kalzekdor » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:45 am

Quade wrote:For it to only fail to work with one watch suggests there's something specific to the path set in that watch.

Is there anything special about the download path for that watch? I've not been able to make to fail.

Nothing in particular. I'll try experimenting, see if I can narrow it down any.

The NZB watch download folder is basically:
Code: Select all

Wheras the default folder for NZBs is:
Code: Select all

Downloads are being sorted by group even though they should be going to the watch specific folder.
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