Groups Deleted after Upgrade

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Groups Deleted after Upgrade

Postby rdnoyes » Mon May 21, 2018 8:44 am


I Just updated to 6.80: 00 C2 FF 77 61 86 and when I restarted all my groups that I have downloaded and indexed are all gone.

Is this normal? I didn't see it in the upgrading warnings so what gives? If this is normal behavior then I should of been warned.

This is real bummer because I had so many groups downloaded and now I have to do them ALL OVER AGAIN. :{
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Re: Groups Deleted after Upgrade

Postby Quade » Mon May 21, 2018 10:55 am

Most people have upgraded with no issue. I'll ask Dex if there's something that might cause this.
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Re: Groups Deleted after Upgrade

Postby dexter » Mon May 21, 2018 11:37 am

This can happen if you run the installer from a different user account or if you somehow have Newsbin on this machine without having run the installer to put it on. Like if you copied all the executables over from another machine. You may be able to restore your original configuration by searching your hard drive for any newsbin.nbi files. If you find multiple files, choose the one with a date from before the upgrade and double-click on it to launch Newsbin using that configuration. It should straighten itself out after that.
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Re: Groups Deleted after Upgrade

Postby rdnoyes » Tue May 22, 2018 10:07 am


Thank you for the quick response.

I did a complete hard drive search on the C drive and I only found the recent, Newsbin.nbi file.

I use the upgrade option and I did not copy the files from anywhere. It's odd to me as well because this has never happened to me before. I'm slowly building up the cache again. The next time I will be a bit more cautious when upgrading Newsbin. I'll make sure I have a full backup just in case.

I was going to insert a screen shot of my search but I wasn't able to for some reason.

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Re: Groups Deleted after Upgrade

Postby dexter » Tue May 22, 2018 11:30 am

Did you include hidden and system files in your search? Usually when this happens, it is due to some issue that causes the installer to not be able to identify the current installed version. It could be due to some registry cleaning software that removed some critical key in the windows registry for example. Sorry this happened to you but it is not a common problem at all.
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