Colour schemes for different file sizes

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Colour schemes for different file sizes

Postby mickrick » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:51 am

I've recently been downloading some raw multichannel music files for editing with v6.73 build 4821 and have noticed that the colour scheme has changed for larger files. A lot of these files are incomplete but when I choose to assemble the incomplete files, the colour scheme stays the same. With smaller files the incomplete file colour changes to grey when being assembled, but with these larger files the colour stays the same (blue). This is very confusing.

Is there a way to change the colour schemes for files to stay the same, regardless of file sizes?
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Re: Colour schemes for different file sizes

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:53 am

Typically larger sets are made of multiple files. If you want to see the gray color, you just need to hit the + icon to see the individual files. The blue bar is just overall progress for a multi-file set.

The PAR counts tell you the current state of the download. If you don't have PAR files, it's pretty pointless to "assemble incompletes" because the files can't be repaired.
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