Unwanted uutomatic extraction of zip files

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Unwanted uutomatic extraction of zip files

Postby Oneiros » Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:49 am

I am currently using 6.80 and something has changed since the last build. I am a great fan of MAME and you get the occasional flood in NGs when multiple files are posted as RAR archives. In the past Newsbinpro would stop with the extraction of the zipped files which can then be copied as .zip format into the relevant subfolder of Mame. Now the extraction does not stop at the zip file level end and even these get "unzipped"! I have to go to my deleted items to restore the orignal zip files in order to make use of them.
I don't think this is a setting within my 7zip program and strongly suspect newsbinpro is doing this; is there something in Newbinpro I can tweak to prevent this? I want the rar files to combine and extract to the constituent zipped files but I don't want the zipped files to be fully extracted...
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Re: Unwanted uutomatic extraction of zip files

Postby Quade » Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:44 pm

Assuming you're using group headers, you can disable UnRAR/Unzip "per group" in the group options. I don't believe it's find grain enough to stop just some decodes.

Perhaps better:

Code: Select all

If you add this to the configuration file (you have to exit Newsbin first), you can continue to get the top level unrar but disable the unrar of the contents of the RARs.
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Re: Unwanted uutomatic extraction of zip files

Postby Oneiros » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:35 am

I have added the Autorar into my config file and retried downloading some Mame samples; unfortunately it has done the same thing in that all the zipped wav files have become fully extracted in the root download folder. Any other suggestions?
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Re: Unwanted uutomatic extraction of zip files

Postby Quade » Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:39 pm

Are they naked zips or zips inside rars? Regular zip files, you'll have to disable unrar for that group (the first suggestion). The configuration file change only applies if it's zips inside rars.

-> Zips - Disable unrar.
-> Rars-> Zips - Disable recursive unrar.

Might want to search to make sure you're editing the correct NBI. You can have more than one.

My comment to your issue really only applies to 6.81RC. It might be in the earlier versions but I'm not sure exactly when it went in.
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