Updating and Downloaded Posts

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Updating and Downloaded Posts

Postby 6t5omde » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:03 pm

I've been using 6.42 for ages but upgraded to 6.81. I did a fresh install and moved over all of my data. However, my nbi config file was lost so I am using an older one. Everything seems fine except when I load the headers now, posts I know I've downloaded are not being displayed as downloaded posts. Is there a fix for that? I have gone back to 6.42 and everything works the way it should. I assume using a different nbi file shouldn't make a difference for that, correct?

The ability to see which posts were downloaded while looking through headers is the most important feature to me. Please let me know if there is something to make things work the way I want if not I'll simply keep using 6.42. Thanks.
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Re: Updating and Downloaded Posts

Postby Quade » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:10 am

The NBI is just the configuration information. It has nothing to do with "new or old". My guess is that the way "new or old" is tracked has changed. Currently the status is stored in the "downloadmarker.db3". If you have this file in the old Newsbin data folder location, you could try to move it over. My guess is that it's simply changed and with the change the status is lost. It'll build up again as you download. The reason the status changed is so that it could apply to search and NZB files too.
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Re: Updating and Downloaded Posts

Postby 6t5omde » Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:08 am

Oh well, I was wondering if I had missed something, like perhaps a version between 6.42 and 6.81 did some sort of conversion to "downloadmarker.db3"

However, I have a new issue now. I reverted back to 6.41 and moved over all the data. The headers load and shows which posts I've downloaded fine which is what I wanted and everything is back to the way I had it. However, when I download the newest headers it tries to download them as if there are no headers in the group.

For example, say I haven't downloaded headers for group in 3 days. How do I get it to download only the newest headers from the past three days(yet have those "tacked on" to my current data file)?

Actually, I believe I found the answer in another post.

1 - Set the "Download Age" to 3
2 - Delete the range.db3 for the group
3 - Download Latest.
4 - Set "Download Age" to 0 (Uncheck it)
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Re: Updating and Downloaded Posts

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:30 am

Yeah, that's the procedure. If the server name changes, it'll reset the last high water marks for the group so it's important that the server name never change.
If you right click the group "Post Storage/Use Download Age" this deletes the "range.db3" for you.
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