Pause functions - 3 ways to do it

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Pause functions - 3 ways to do it

Postby dane » Fri Nov 30, 2018 8:09 pm

Hi guys - I've been away from the forum for a while so if you've already answered this question, I'm sorry to ask it again. I'm running 6.81 build 5080 on a windows 10 machine.

With file obfuscation and nzb files, I use the 'sample files' function more and more to check the content and quality of files I queue for download. I've used 3 versions of pausing - each with pluses and minuses.

- the running/paused switch stops everything (except header downloads) so other things in the d/l queue get stopped also when I want to check one file.

- if I click on the top-level listing of a file and either right-click and choose 'pause download' or click the 'pause the selected download' button, just that thread pauses.

- I've found it convenient as a file is d/ling to open the listing and highlight lines which are not yet downloaded, right-click them and choose 'pause download'. This way, if I need a few more parts I can just highlight them and choose resume. This method works well except that after a period of time, the file begins to download again without being released. Is this function supposed to work this way? as a temporary hold?

[A sideline question - if I load obfuscated files into my wish list, their titles are most often visible and comprehensible. However, if I then queue them for download, they are obfuscated in the d/l queue. Is there a way to make these title visible in the download queue as well?]

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Re: Pause functions - 3 ways to do it

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:06 pm

As for the last thing, I'll have to look at the code. I think there's special handling to preserve the extra information to de-obscure that probably gets lost on the trip through the wish list. You might whan to see if feeding it to the download list, then adding it to the wish list preserves this data.

As for your pausing thing. If you plan on sampling, I'd suggest pausing Newsbin entirely, add what you want to check to the download list, pause all of the files in the download list, then unpause Newsbin. Then for each file, unpause them for a short time in order you get at least 2 blocks downloaded. You can see from the PAR counts when you get one or 2, then pause, right click and sample. I don't think there's any need to actually expand and pause individual files. I'd suggest not trying because as you found out. Newsbin will unpause things as part of download.
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Re: Pause functions - 3 ways to do it

Postby dane » Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:04 am

HI Quade - thanks for the response. As to the pausing thing - I wasn't sure whether that was the way the download process worked, or if it was a bug. I understand it was intentional and will work around it as you suggested.

As to the obfuscation and extra data - when loaded to the d/l tab the extra data is not displayed. When redirected to the wish list it is, and then obscured again when re-sent to the d/l list.

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