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Download stops completely

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:19 pm
by howi43
Whenever I try to download a file which is in whole or partially not available on a server, I get a lot of error messages like this :

[12/05 23:07:41] ERROR NEWS SERVER ERROR: UsenetServer SendCommand - Failed: 430 no such article

No problem with that, but the system comes to a complete stop.
That is fatal, as I do not monitor Newsbin all the time.

Is there a setting ( timeout , etc. ) , so that the download could continue with the next file in the list ?

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:47 pm
by Quade
What version are you using?
How many retries do you have set?
Do you have it set not to download during unrar?

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:37 am
by howi43
Version is 6.81,
retries : 2
Paused while unrar

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:31 pm
by Quade
Is there a setting ( timeout , etc. ) , so that the download could continue with the next file in the list ?

If you want it to continue downloading, you might want to uncheck "Pause while UnRaring" so the download will continue while it's repairing and unraring.

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:47 pm
by howi43
Not sure that this will help, as it also stops if there is nothing to unrar.
As soon as you get too many red markers in the 'Current progress' field, it comes to
a complete stop.
It looks like as if one by one the connections are blocked until no more connections are possible.

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:34 pm
by Quade
Maybe you're running too many connections? I might set the server to 4, restart and see what happens. Just for grins, you could try pausing the file that's failing and see if the download continues on the file below it.

Re: Download stops completely

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:22 pm
by jas_dav
Seems I'm having the same issue. I have Sonarr loading the NZB file direct to the download files section, then once it hits a file that is not on the server, it gets the 403 error in the logs and never goes to "Failed Downloads".

current status for download [Par:680 of 3422] d:51 DL:50 Retry:8 N:606
Error log reads: [01/22 09:53:23] ERROR NEWS SERVER ERROR: USA SendCommand - Failed: 430 no such article Cmd: ARTICLE <[email protected]>
98ca2bc49f214ba5b1a00a28d6411068 [52/61] "98ca2bc49f214ba5b1a00a28d6411068.part51.rar" yEnc

Pause download during Unrar/PAR is unchecked.
Version 6.81 5080

Max retries before assembly is set to 2