Groups with Crazy volumes of Headers

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Groups with Crazy volumes of Headers

Postby jimerb » Tue Dec 25, 2018 3:45 pm

Can anyone explain their process for dealing with groups that have a CRAZY amount of headers?

I'm looking at the add groups list and I see groups with BILLIONS of headers.

Every time i try to do anything with these groups, Newsbin just goes to a crawl with downloading the headers.

How do you work with these very large groups?

For example a.b.misc has over a billion headers. Browsing the group rather than using search seems impossible.

What am i dong wrong? I'm just double clicking on the group and I go right into a crawl.

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Re: Groups with Crazy volumes of Headers

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:08 am

Some groups require the most powerful machines to browse. To download 1 billion headers, you have to download 350 gigs of data from the server. One option is to not bother with the old headers, set a short download age, add the group and then just download 5 days worth of headers which then grow as you continue to download headers.

These days, some groups are simply unusable because people are posting things that can only be used with NZB files.
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Re: Groups with Crazy volumes of Headers

Postby jimerb » Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:33 am

Thanks quade. So it the Best way to search for All in NZB files in the search option? How prevalent are NZB files these days? Are usually use a minimum size to weed out all the small stuff. Just wondering what others are doing to work with these huge groups? Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Groups with Crazy volumes of Headers

Postby Quade » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:50 am

I'm just talking about headers. Search does a good job of de-obscuring some file types. Some files are posted so that they're only usable if you sign up for a website and download their NZB Files.
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