6.81 Header download Error

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6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:12 pm

Since yesterday I can no longer download new headers, after a short time I get this error message and:
[06/19 22:48:41] ERROR BR: Read Failure: 15442 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[06/19 22:48:41] ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
[06/19 22:48:41] ERROR NEWS SERVER ERROR: Newshosting NNTPServer: zero bytes read from socket
the first 100000-200000 headers go fast then the error message comes up
another download works
Newshosting means it is the NewsBin
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:58 am

Since neither Newsbin nor Newshosting changed, I suspect a firewall blocking the downloads. One thing you could try would be to disabled XFeatures in the server "Really Advanced" options and see if it works.

Are you using SSL?
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Thu Jun 20, 2019 6:53 am

It occurred suddenly, I did not change any settings or updats.
That's why I can not explain it to myself.
XFeatures is disabled and I've been using SSL and SSl V2 Europe forever.
Problem is with VPN and without.
It always comes the same error message.

update: I played an image from last week when everything was still running, the same problem.
I also believe that the problem is with Newshosting.

sorry my English is not so good
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:38 pm

If you want to send me a private message with the group name I can try it here. Some servers will error when you've downloaded X headers. Then Newsbin should retry and pull the test. This error might be SSL related too so, you could try disabling SSL and see if the header download works.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:24 pm

XHeader is disabled with me. I've also disabled SSL and SSl V2, also tried different ports and server addresses, always the same error message.
It happens at all big "alt.binaries." Groups.
First it loads the headers quickly down(100000-200000Header) then nothing works and after some time the error message comes.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:52 pm

Hello Quad,
Thanks for your effort, case is done.
I've just tested another news server with the same settings, everything went fine.
I already thought that it is up to Newshosting, have it again written to the support, sometimes curious what they say now.
For years no problems.
They have certainly changed something to the server and the support knows nothing, was years ago ever.

update: I found in this folder c: \ Users \ xxxxx \ AppData \ Local \ Newsbin \ Import \
some of these files= alt.binaries.mom-posting-015107003476-015107103476
The date of the files only refers to the current errors
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:36 am

Hello Quade,
so I still have the problem only with the header download. File download ok.I have already quit Newshosting and tried others. Now I am with Eweka, I have at least full speed when it runs. Whether with VPN or without, whether with SSL or without always the same error, XFeature is switched off. Which is strange, it happened with all news servers, so I think that it is up to Newsbin. Hope you can help me. This is annoying for over 3 months. These error messages always appear..
[10/06 15:13:51] ERROR BR: Read Failure: 872 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[10/06 15:13:51] ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
[10/06 15:13:51] ERROR Downloader: SocketException NEWS SERVER ERROR: Eweka NNTPServer: zero bytes read from socket Eweka
[10/06 15:17:04] ERROR BR: Read Failure: 6183 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[10/06 15:17:04] ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
[10/06 15:17:04] ERROR Downloader: SocketException NEWS SERVER ERROR: Eweka NNTPServer: zero bytes read from socket Eweka
[10/06 15:19:27] ERROR BR: Read Failure: 12139 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[10/06 15:19:27] ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
[10/06 15:19:27] ERROR Downloader: SocketException NEWS SERVER ERROR: Eweka NNTPServer: zero bytes read from socket Eweka

Have Newsbin 6.82B9 installed
Greetings Teddy
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:40 am

It's not unusual to get connection errors from time to time. If your header downloads eventually work then I'd just ignore this error. It's not unusual for instance for a server to disconnect after delivering X bytes of data in order for them to account for the data more easily. I know for sure that Giganews will disconnect connections after some number of bytes transferred. I'm not clear on what all servers that do it. Specifically for Giganews I had to make a change to how errors are handled because they return a 400 error when they should be returning a 500 error. It's hard to say whether that will work on other servers. I do believe Eweka has a similar issue. That being the case, it means the errors will be random.

I was just polishing up the next version. Probably hand it off to Dex today.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:48 pm

Thanks, but what I do not understand, it worked for years and all of a sudden started in June.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:55 pm

hey Quad, so please help me,
I also tried Grabit. Since there was no error message at the header download, the download has also stopped constantly and the download took forever,
as Newsbin. Newsbin creates a file for every error message in a group in the Import folder.
here the path: c:\Users\Teddy\AppData\Local\Newsbin\Import\alt.binaries.bloaf-Eweka-009513108414-009513208414
At 8 Group Updats 57 files from 4 Groups totaled 1 GB. So 57 mistakes took 1 hour 20 minutes. the error files from the 4 groups had millions of headers.
If I do not delete them every time, my hard drive will soon be full. Always delete these files when I quit Newsbin.
At the beginning the header download starts with 61Mbit / s then it stops and lasts until it goes on.
Is not there a way to have these files automatically deleted ? What can I do now ?
At Newshosting I had always deleted the error-created fils
The same problem with a 3rd news server.
Errors have occurred since June without me changing anything

At Newshosting I had always deleted the error-created fils.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:44 pm

Files in the data folder like that should get automatically deleted when they get 2-3 days old.

You're not re-downloading headers from that group every time you download headers are you? It seems like it gets 8-10 million posts a day which is a decent amount but not huge. If you're downloading headers fairly frequently there shouldn't be all that many to download each time. Sometimes people do a "Download all" time after time which is almost always the wrong way to download headers. I just want to make sure you're not doing that.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:29 am

Thanks, with the Automatic delete I will observe. NewsBin generates such a file with each error up to 35 MB large.
I only load the last group header. This is Poster Bob, who always posts in some groups thousands of fils only about 800KB. It's frustrating.
There are 3 groups of the subscribed ones. Just after about 20 hours last download the 3 Groups 2.5 - 3.6 and 5.2 million headers.
Yesterday evening, the version nb682RC1 Installed. Just a miracle happened, had for months the first time without error header downloads.

Newshosting first denied that the error came from you, then you said yes you could readjust it, but in 4 months did not resolve, quit.

Eweka writes:We hereby inform you that our customer service is not responsible for managing news clients.
You can maybe try to deinstall the news client from your computer and download this again but, as such, for any software related questions, we ask you to contact the support department of your news client.
At Eweka, at least with file downloads, I always have full speed
I still think it's because of the news servers, because there were problems with Grabbit's test.
What I do not understand that no other user has written about it.
Do not think that I am the only one with the mistake.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Mon Oct 14, 2019 11:39 am

Thanks, with the Automatic delete I will observe. NewsBin generates such a file with each error up to 35 MB large.

I can look into cleaning these up immediately. At one point I must have thought they were useful but on second thought, they probably aren't. The do tell you there were problems with the header download but that's probably kinda useless.

This is Poster Bob, who always posts in some groups thousands of fils only about 800KB

Some groups these days don't have usable headers. They're "NZB File Only". I have a prototype that automatically filters out these bob posts but it's not going to make it into 6.82. You could probably filter them out using the header filters if you wanted too. Are you actually getting usable files out of this group? If not you might just want to delete it. Some groups with lots of bob posts aren't usable through headers. You might as well stop downloading headers from these groups.

Eweka writes:We hereby inform you that our customer service is not responsible for managing news clients.

There are too many things it could be. It might be Newsbin, it might be your security software, it might be the server. It's hard to tell. If it's happening to two different news clients, which is what you seem to be reporting, then it's probably your security software or internet connection or the server. Disconnects simply aren't that unusual. If you're using WIFI for example, disconnects are common even. I don't really have a good sense about how many headers you're downloading when this happens. Is it 10 million or 100 million?
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:58 pm

I already wrote that it started suddenly in May-June. I have changed absolutely nothing on my system. Already use Long Eset and there have never been problems, newsbin have done at Eset's exception.
I do not use Wifi.
I'm sure it's up to the server. With Newshosting, 95% of the connections to an American server with VPN have worked, no error.
If I had a European server, there were only problems. American servers were fast, European slow.
At Eweka the European servers have, it worked today for the first time without errors and they are fast.
I'll post the next few days a picture with the headers and reports.
Have a nice Day.
Greetings Teddy
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:04 pm

Since version 6.82 Newsbin marks the lines blue at once.
In these 4 groups of headers download I had over 150 error messages,
download was about 13GB, has 1hr 15min. lasted. Had up to 5 minutes no download.
Here are the error messages.
Have it checked, are automatically deleted after 24 hours when newsbin starts.
Can you set it so that it automatically clears after quitting Newsbin ????
If VPN is not turned on, I have 99% less header download speed issues.
With File download no problems.
I do not know what else I can do ???
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby syshog » Fri Nov 29, 2019 11:27 pm

Try downloading an older versions of newsbin and see if your problems go away.

Older versions can be downloaded from http://www.newsbin.com/downloads.php

I've had weird troubles with header downloads with versions newer than 6.56 even when I start a group header download from a scratch newsbin configuration. Once I go back to that version for the problems go away.. Sometimes 6.73 plays nice. The thing is Xfeatures also works with 6.56. I've used the following servers astraweb, newshosting, eweka, and giganews and run into issues with header downloads but not with the older version of newsbin... VPNs with SSL enabled allow my headers download to run at full speed. I only used the later versions for file downloads and loading from the header dbs.. gz compression has been disabled for header downloads after 6.73 and using MS disk compression with the later versions has been slower in my experience.
xeon system with 128GB+ of ram and a lot of storage. I don't update my sig much.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:35 am

Thanks syshog, No I still have the problem. As soon as I have time I will try it, reports it then here.
That's why I turned off XFeature. I also use a VPN and I have full speed when it works.
The stops for the header download have become less, once 10mill. Header without stop.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:56 pm

Have tried the 6.80 version. Same mistake.
Error occurred only from 6.81.
The days will still test the 6.73.
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Teddy » Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pm

Hey quad,
I just do not understand the world anymore, after there were also problems at 6.80,
I played back a system image on nb682RC3.
3 times there was no error in the header download. :D
I download an archive with example 20 fils, but there is errow dowloader: SocketException Server: Eweka Socket Error ...........
takes a few minutes and the file is finished downloaded and unzipped.
Have looked into the Chunk folder, yesterday over 2500 Fils, today over 600.
Was the download finished and unpacked, were only 20-30 Fils in the folder Chunks.
is it possible to delete this automatically? ????
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Re: 6.81 Header download Error

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 04, 2019 5:47 pm

Most chunks get purged out automatically when the download completes. I keep some around for duplicate checking but they get purged when they get 2 days old.
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