Problem with download: raw download does'nt form proper file

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Problem with download: raw download does'nt form proper file

Postby efgh » Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:47 pm

I’ll do my best to describe my issue. I have a nzb file. Loaded that nzb in Newsbin 6.81 and proceeded to download. Newsbin created a subdirectory called a.b.misc. At this point, with other downloads, Newsbin normally downloads several rar files and proceeds to auto-unrar them. All is fine. But on this occasion I get several files that to me are giberish. There is no final product of a mkv video file. I am just left with these giberish files. I’ve attached a screenshot.

Am I doing something wrong? Why is my download not completing?
Thank you

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Re: Problem with download: raw download does'nt form proper

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:42 pm

You probably want to run the latest 6.82 beta. It handles these crap files better. Feed the NZB directly to the download list instead of the post list.

This is simply a new posting style. These files ONLY work of there are PAR files. Sometimes the PAR files are hidden but 6.82 can find them as they download. Meaning just because you don't see PAR files. It doesn't mean they aren't there.
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Re: Problem with download: raw download does'nt form proper

Postby efgh » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:56 pm

Yup that worked. Thanks. Re-downloaded again and the 1st file was a par file. That didn't occur before. Can I trouble you for 10 mile high explanation? What and why is this new posting style?

Thanks again
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Re: Problem with download: raw download does'nt form proper

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 28, 2019 2:24 am

Some people are posting with random subjects. Some people are posting with completely random posts and the only way to download is to use the NZB. I'd say the they're trying to avoid having their files removed from the news server but from my testing, at best there's a more delay but they still get removed.
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