Is there a way to Limit Database size?

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Is there a way to Limit Database size?

Postby Lurker » Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:27 am

Just wondering if there is a way to limit the database size? I was just looking at my spool_v6 directories and some are like 135GB :shock: . So I was wondering if there is a way to (regardless of the setting for post storage) to set individual group databases to have a max size limit? So if I set it to 50GB for a group it's database size will never exceed that value.
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Re: Is there a way to Limit Database size?

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:28 pm

The "Storage Age" is a setting that controls how many days worth of records are kept. You could reduce the storage age, update all the groups, then right click the group and "Post Storage/Compact Groups" the reason you have to update after changing the "Storage Age" is that it's the update that tags old records as "Old".
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Re: Is there a way to Limit Database size?

Postby Lurker » Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:21 pm

I gave what you suggested a try, but didn't let it finish. I guess it was tagging stuff but after letting it go 5 hours and it not even processing the stuff in the import folder I figured it was enough. I still didn't even try compact yet but I figure that would have taken even more hours. So I just unsubscribed from the groups and had NB delete all the data. I guess trying to flag 1000 days worth of spam posts in most of these 100+GB groups would do that, but it just wasn't worth keeping around even 200 days worth for the time it was taking. :)

BTW, I can set the a groups download to be 1 day, but is there a way to set it smaller than a day like say a fraction of a day (like .25 for the last 6 hours)?
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Re: Is there a way to Limit Database size?

Postby Quade » Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:53 pm

Yeah, this is the kind of thing you do when Newsbin is idling, not importing headers and doing deletes at the same time. Each group is in a different database file so, you could just do one or a couple groups at a time.

1 day is as granular as it gets.
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