Icon Scaling Not Using Windows Settings

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Icon Scaling Not Using Windows Settings

Postby Voyager62 » Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:31 pm

This was asked back in 2017, but never answered:
I'm using a 4K TV and getting tiny icons.
The text is ok as I've set the display settings to 300% scale.
I've also select "Large" Icons from the view options.
Is there any way to increase the icon size?

Is it possible to provide a larger icon set or make Newsbin compatible with the scaler in the Windows settings?
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Re: Icon Scaling Not Using Windows Settings

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:18 am

I think the answer is "no". Not with the current GUI. It's too old and would need to be replaced. Have you looked in the shortcut? Doesn't windows have some compatibility modes to scale older applications?
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Re: Icon Scaling Not Using Windows Settings

Postby Voyager62 » Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:10 am

Quade wrote:Have you looked in the shortcut? Doesn't windows have some compatibility modes to scale older applications?

Edit: Thanks for the suggestion. I figured out what you meant and fixed it.
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