Newsbin log of downloaded stuff

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Newsbin log of downloaded stuff

Postby Wishjuh » Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:05 pm


I have a general question about the logging capability of Newsbin pro. My question: Is it somehow possible to see which stuff I downloaded the past 6 months? Is there a log which logs everything you download? I need a list of the imported NZB's or downloaded stuff from the past 6 months. Is that possible??

Thanks in advance for the answer!

Greetz, Wishjuh
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Re: Newsbin log of downloaded stuff

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:04 pm

There's really nothing like that built into Newsbin. Newsbin maintains a fingerprint of the first 24K of every file but it's not something you can reverse. Meaning you can't look at the fingerprint and know what was downloaded unless you also have the file on hand to compare it too. There are some features to allow the user to track the downloads but unless they turned them on (they're off by default) they're typically unused.

Downloaded.db3 is the files listing. It might contain some information like that it depends on how much you download. It's self purging. Old versions might leave the NZB's loaded through NZB Autoload in subfolders of the autoload folder but current versions move all the NZB's into the data folder where they're periodically purged after use.
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Re: Newsbin log of downloaded stuff

Postby Wishjuh » Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:42 am

Ok thank you!
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